News from Conceria del Corso and from the tanning world.

Leather as a sustainable choice

Leather is often open to debate when talking about sustainability and ethics. Many believe that leather is an unsustainable option...

The development of the tanning industry

The tanning industry has developed significantly over the years, with notable changes in terms of processing techniques, sustainability and market...

A new life

Leather, a wonderful, unique material that holds the story of every living creature in it. Since the dawn of time,...

Respect for animals

Tanneries work hard to respect animals, implementing practises and standards that promote animal welfare and sustainability. To demonstrate the fact...

The characteristics of leather compared to synthetic material

Leather is a natural, biodegradable, sustainable material. It is the opposite of synthetic materials that need complex chemical processes and...

Leather, a natural material

Leather is the symbol of an ancestral connection to our past, tangible proof of our inheritance and our roots. Leather...